Thursday, December 16, 2010

eh blogging?

thinking back to the bloggers life i am reminded of the horrid, embarrassing days of xanga. Middle school... when i thought i was the best thing, ever. i think my blog name was something like x__livelifeup__x. How cool is that? I have since moved on to myspace and now facebook and was reintroduced into the blogging scene when i was told about a blog by a lady going to cancer ( and i have since contemplated making one again. I caved in the beginning of october and made this blogspot member. i was thinking of blogging about my "situation" of being at home for college instead of away as i planned (dont we always feel the situations we are in are the most important to be told/ so drastic?).  but i decided not to.

so here i was tonight with two of my very best friends- lauren and bethany- and i mentioned i kind of wanted to make a blog. they said yes yes yess -that i "seem like a blogger" and they have encouraged me to do so. so here it is.

but.. i have a lot of thoughts about doing this. i am uneasy dong this because 1. it can easily turn into a selfish thing i feel like. "let me tell you about all the happenings in my day" because i am so important. 2. or i can be a bit too vulnerable for a computer and share in depth of "heres what jesus is teaching me" (which is super encouraging for others to hear) but theres a line that is easily crossed of sharing too much of my heart. right? maybe i am thinking about this too much? but it is important to have the right intention for this.

so, i will begin and attempt to find the fine line between the two. i hope it goes well, and i hope you enjoy reading.. if anyone does.

today was a sweet day. began with sleeping in until 11am, hot chocolate, hanging out with my mom... then coffeed it up with my old young life leader katie, and ended with crafts, chris graham music, and twinkle lights with two of my dearest friends-- all of this while snow on the ground outside. shlove it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you didn't mention in our time together that you were going to start blogging! I started blogging yesterday too! Snow days must do that. Will you follow my perfect 300 blog? I think that is the one I am going to start using. I am one of two followers right now...Love ya
