Monday, January 30, 2012


tonight  i opened my journal and out fell a piece of paper folded in fours. i opened it and two pieces of paper in front of me read: "remember..." followed by 80 things i wanted myself to remember. i wrote this back in november. i wrote a list of things i never want to forget in my day to day life. i decided to blog them- to share with you. i hope these encourage you. heres the things i never want to forget:

1. the picture of your life is grander, larger, bigger than your current complication
2. you love to encourage with what has encouraged you
3. its okay to ask questions; especially if you are ignorant and want to know more
4. people are creations of god, and each one a walking story book
5. god is simple
6. god is slow
7. god is consistent
8. you were made by god, not your parents
9. speak only when necessary
10. eye contact speaks more than words could
11. everyone is longing to feel touchable; so touch is ok and necessary
12. you enjoy preparing, eating, and cleaning up meals
13. talking after meals with dishes scattered births some of the best memories
14. never give up the opportunity to clean up in the kitchen with other women
15. trials are on purpose, always
16. you love to create
17. you enjoy creation
18. you love scripture
19. giving is a sacrifice that births rich satisfaction and peace
20. a good cup of coffee does soul good
21. god hears every cry, prayer, and plead
22. god works on his timeline
23. god can, and will, say no
24. choosing people over work does wonders for the soul
25. truly listen to kids
26. get at kids level- eye contact and all
27. hug with two arms
28. sing with your heart
29. you love to sing
30. walk somewhere daily
31. jesus' name is power
32. fear is not my inheritance in christ
33. god is for me
34. sunshine is god's gift to me
35. sleep with the blinds open
36. he loves me thru my relationships; each uniquely
37. happiness is not promised, but joy is
38. always be fore others, not against
39. spirit wants to speak thru me; be aware when its me or him while giving advice
40. to be broken is beautiful, but to break hurts and is often ugly
41. never pass up an opportunity to allow someone to show you their creation (art, music, pictures, decoration) embrace the details and ask questions
42. engage as well as you can in each conversation
43. you enjoy doing dishes
44. god has his best planned for you, and it has yet to come
45. you are not your parents
46. you are only obligated to jesus christ
47. peace will be present if god is okay with your decisions
48. god is not a god of confusion
49. offer to paint others nails
50. offer to massage someone
51. speak first
52. be the first to thank
53. ask for emotions
54. ask to feel. each day
55. go to local shows as often as you can
56. dont worry about gas
57. dont worry
58. people arent thinking about you as much as you think that they are
59. hold doors
60. offer to pay
61. bible tells us how to live
62. heaven is forreal
63. there is a spiritual world that everything flows from 
64. you enjoy servanthood
65. words are power
66. offer to drive
67. twinkle lights make you so happy
68. never be satisfied, but always be content
69. to-do list are awesome
70. you dont really enjoy shopping
71. telling people your gratitude for them
72. god is big. huge.
73. we have a role to play- he will play his
74. leave notes
75. trust
76. stop complaining
77. observe colors
78. sun warms you
79. you are beautiful
80. you are a princess

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